The British Columbia Coordinated Planning Group (BCCPG) is a forum for enabling the coordination of transmission planning activities with the aim of ensuring a high degree of reliability of the electric system.


Within British Columbia, the BCCPG enables coordination and, where appropriate, integration of the transmission planning functions of transmission owner members.

Outside of British Columbia, the BCCPG represents the interests of its transmission owner members to the Western Interconnection through participation in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee (TEPPC). [PDF, 83 KB]

Supporting Documentation

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BCCPG is a voluntary organization and membership is open to all parties that have an interest in participating in a stakeholder process for promoting the efficient development of the electric transmission system within the BCCPG footprint.

Member organizations can include transmission owners and stakeholder organizations.

To become a member of BCCPG, please notify us in writing and request to be added to the BCCPG membership list.

BCCPG Members

* BC Hydro
** Representing Brilliant Power Corporation, Brilliant Expansion Power Corporation, Waneta Expansion Ltd. Partnership and Arrow Lakes Power Corporation